Student Dismissal Map

Parents and Guardians: The safety and security of our students is our number one priority. Attached is the dismissal protocol map for bus riders, walkers, and students being picked up.
**Students and Parents/Guardians must use the nearest crosswalk to cross the street (DO NOT cross between the buses).**
It is essential to call in any transportations changes to the office BEFORE 3:00 pm on regular school days and BEFORE 1:00 pm on Early Release Days. This ensures the safety of our students. (928)288-8600
**Please do not call or email your child's classroom teacher with important or timely dismissal information. In the event that the teacher is absent, the substitute will not have access to email or voice mail.**
We expect that each child will ride his/her own bus to and from school.
If the office does not receive notice otherwise, your child will be sent home according to his/her regular dismissal plan.
We thank you for your cooperation with this important manner. If you have any questions or concerns, please call our office at (928)288-8600.